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Wednesday 25 February 2015

Nigerian Awarded Peace Prize Worth $170k For Campaign Against Boko Haram


Nigerian woman Esther Ibanga, a pastor and activist in who has campaigned against extremist group, Boko Haram was on Tuesday Feb. 24th awarded a Japanese peace prize worth $170,000.

For her tireless vocal protest against Boko Haram killings and kidnappings, and pressuring central and local governing officials to fight back against the extremists.
The Niwano Peace Foundation said it has awarded Ibanga its 20 million yen annual prize.

“Esther has worked extensively to foster and facilitate reconciliation between conflicting religious and tribal groups, setting up an organization that has all tribal women leaders on its membership” the Buddhist group-backed foundation said.

$170k is alot of money but trust me, nothing compared to the risk she is taking. Congrats to her

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